Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 6th

Hey all! 

So as many of you all ready may be aware of this (or at least I would hope so) is that November 6th is around the corner. We have all been so busy with these elections because we a have many ballots and city measures that will greatly improve (and also some that  may tragically hurt) our communities. 
We have been working very hard to win on Measure D, Raise the Minimum Wage in SJ. The best thing we can continue to be doing is reaching out to other community members; reminding them about Measure D, and ask them to please vote. Word of mouth is excellent, what better way to inform people and outreach in our communities.

Come out and volunteer at the Labor Council here in San Jose to precinct walk and phonebank. Let's get together, and show big money that we, as a community, want this change; and most importantly, that we are empowered!

We've also been working on other propositions such as:
Yes on 30, higher taxes on wealth to fund schools and community colleges as well as public safety programs and
No on proposition 32 because this was not written to be fair play.;it gives superPacs, billionaires, wall-street investors, and big developers the right to put money into politics while hushing the voices of union members; everyday californians.

(website)Prop. 32

Starting this Saturday, November 3
through Election Day Tuesday, November 6
2102 Almaden Rd. San Jose, Hall A
Let’s make it happen and have fun doing it.
 Dress up in each day’s theme!
“Knock-out” Saturday
Nov 3rd 
Precinct Walk 9am – 2pm
Phonebank 10am – 2pm

“Superhero” Sunday
Nov 4th
Precinct Walk 9am – 2pm
Phonebank 10am – 8:30pm
"80’s” Monday
Nov 5th
Precinct Walk 10am – 2pm
Phonebank 10am – 8:30pm

“Homerun” Tuesday
Nov 6th – Election Day!
Poll Check, Precinct Walking,
10am – 8pm

Election Night Party
8 PM- 9:30 PM
@ IBEW HAll 2125 Canoas Garden Ave, San Jose
Great food and drinks
Live stream of election results
Raffle prizes and recognition
RSVP for all events to or 408.266.3790

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Save the date! October 18th

7th Annual Poverty Under the Stars

The program of speakers, skits, and spoken word from minimum wage workers, labor leaders, and student organizers, and other leaders. From 6-8pm followed by a sleepout until 9am! Be in solidarity with the 46 million Americans living in poverty and 40,000 minimum wage workers in San José. This event will be focused on Measure D and garnering support for it! 

You are encouraged to set up a tent and decorate it with visual images/posters about issues you are concerned about this election, or social justice, and/or the minimum wage initiative support as well! If you can camp out, that would be great, but if not you could loan out your tent for the night for students to use to sleep in. You are encouraged to set up a tent and decorate it with visual images/posters about issues you are concerned about this election, or social justice, and/or the minimum wage initiative support as well! If you can camp out, that would be great, but if not you could loan out your tent for the night for students to use to sleep in. You are encouraged to set up a tent and decorate it with visual images/posters about issues you are concerned about this election, or social justice, and/or the minimum wage initiative support as well! If you can camp out, that would be great, but if not you could loan out your tent for the 

night for students to use to sleep in. 

Come out and show your support. Solidarity. Community. Good vibes.

Feel free to send a message to Eric at if any questions

San Jose Minimum Wage Campaign Volunteers needed.  Want to help make a real difference?  With your help we can raise the minimum wage from $8 to $10 per hour and get one step closer to a proper living wage in San Jose.  Join us today!

  • A worker who brings home $1380 a month can’t afford San Jose’s average rent, which is $1800 a month, much less food and other necessities.
  • Because people who work hard should be able to support themselves rather than relying on government subsidies like food stamps and Medicaid.
  • City life is expensive, earning a decent wage makes sense for both consumers and businesses alike.
Join Our Campaign Today!
Contact Albert Hernandez to learn how.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Talk about Social Justice

Hello all fellow San Josenians and friendly neighbors, this September 20th gear up your social justice topics for an awesome hip-hop event where you'll be able to talk about important propositions and learn of plenty other great things for our community here in San Jose! Get ready because it's going to be a blast with local artists like Dregs 1, Metafizix, Project Seer, and IQ.

For more information check out the link below

Monday, September 17, 2012


Check out KQED story by Peter Jon Shuler on Raise the Wage!

(If link above doesn't work, try this one below. . .)

Raising the Wage

This November go out and vote, tell friends and family, talk about it and share it with all
VOTE YES on Measure D, Raise the Wage!!!

Occupy 1 year!

Occupy Action Council of San Francisco
September 23, 2012 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
2 Hours (Repeats Every 7 Days Until September 30, 2012)
Anyone in support of the Occupy movement is welcome to attend the weekly meetings of the Occupy Action Council of San Francisco.
View Map
UNITE HERE Local 2 Office209 Golden Gate Ave.San Francisco CA, 94102  United States
This event is accessible to people with disabilities.